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Cellulitis is infection of skin secondary to a bacteria. It can cause pain, swelling & redness of skin, fever and sometimes severe unwellness. Some risk factors are important in initiation of the infection including skin cut, presence of eczema or other skin diseases or swelling of limbs. Diabetes, obesity or immunosuppression increases the risk of skin infection.


Diagnosis & Treatment:

If you have any of the above symptoms you should see your doctor. Blood culture, blood tests or imaging including ultrasound or Xray is usually unnecessary for diagnosis but may help if any complication is suspected. Treatment is based on clinical finding and varies from oral antibiotics to intravenous antibiotics with or without debridement of skin or drainage of an abscess if found by imaging. You may be admitted in hospital if you are unwell to receive approperiate treatment.


You may need to visit your doctor again if the size of infected area expanding or you become more unwell with fever, chills or other symptoms.



Hand hygiene is the most important way to prevent the infection and also cleaning the cuts with water & soap.

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